learned two pieces of salutary admonition from some LINE message today, and I would like to "translate" them and share with you.
In a society consisted of imposters and fools, it is not the liars that people abhor most; instead, it is the ones who debunk the lies.
In a social system that is constituted of a band of imposters and fools, dont you ever try to awaken the fools and to berate the liars; otherwise, the two groups will get closely together to act against you.
---Guy Fawkes
試譯兩則箴言 - kkuo0810的部落格 - udn部落格 https://bit.ly/39NcSY6
博客來-當傻子遇到騙子(1):在騙子和傻子的社會中 人們痛恨的不是說謊者 而是揭穿謊言的人
「只懂得皮毛是一件危險的事;要深透暢飲,否則就別嚐那聖泉。」(一知半解,危險之至。)~~~~ 亞歷山大.波普(A little learning is a dangerous thing. Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring. ~~~~ Alexandre Pope, 1688-1744, British poet)這是經史子集出版社的工作銘!
「仙人打鼓有時錯,腳步踏錯誰人無;人間冷暖情為貴,世事滄桑愈堅強。」~~~~ 隰朋生(1960~台北)
博客來-當傻子遇到騙子(1):在騙子和傻子的社會中 人們痛恨的不是說謊者 而是揭穿謊言的人
How Did Guy Fawkes Become a Symbol of Occupy Wall Street? - ABC News
How Did Guy Fawkes Become a Symbol of Occupy Wall Street? - ABC News
9 particolari poco sconosciuti su Guy Fawkes – Vanilla Magazine
9 particolari poco sconosciuti su Guy Fawkes – Vanilla Magazine