創價學會是日本的佛教類新興宗教團體之一,源流於日蓮正宗,成立於1930年,為日本規模最大的新興宗教團體/「人間革命」一詞/王佛冥合/只要信奉並唱念「南無妙法蓮華經」,就是皈依宇宙生命,並引發內心所具的佛界,達到覺悟 @ 姜朝鳳宗族 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: - http://goo.gl/5zzVvQ
南無妙法蓮華經 - 佛教經典之王/唸句「南無阿彌陀佛」,就可以到達淨土/刺青tattoos @ 姜朝鳳宗族 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: - https://goo.gl/JWovmV
佛祖釋迦牟尼佛在「金光明最勝王經」中說︰此金光明經是諸經之王,所以稱為「最勝王經」眾經之王,由唐三藏法師義淨翻譯。《金光明最勝王經》出自乾隆大藏經大乘五大部外重譯經第0122部,由唐三藏法師義淨翻譯,與《妙法蓮華經》、《護國仁王經》同為鎮護國家之三部經/念誦此經,國家及持誦人可得四大天王保護,使一切世間有情安穩康樂 @ 姜朝鳳宗族 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: - https://goo.gl/mbKb0M
南無妙法蓮華經 - 佛教經典之王
前田利家 小丸城大虐殺
These are Chinese text tattoos on real Chinese people

If there is one thing everyone, Chinese or non-Chinese, can agree on, that would be beauty of Chinese characters. And the beautiful, mysterious Chinese characters and texts, along with the rich meaning behind them, are sought after by ink lovers. Let’s take a look at some of the Chinese tattoos Chinese people get in China and how they are different from the ones that are more often a joke than art.
T – Traditional characters; S – Simplified characters.
1. 但願老死文論間,不願鞠躬車馬前 – dàn yuàn lǎo sǐ wén lùn jiā, bú yuàn jū gōng chē mǎ qián – T
I would rather die from old age amidst books and knowledge rather than bowing to wealth and fame.
by Doctor Li Xiaowen
2. 窮則獨善其身,達則兼濟天下 / qióng zé dú shàn qí shēn, dá zé jiān jì tiān xià – T
Be disciplined when poor; and be generous to the people in the world when rich.
by Mencius

Artist: Fiona; Instagram: fanzi_q – Beijing, China
3. 取之尽锱铢,用之如泥沙 / qǔ zhī jìn zī zhū, yòng zhī rú ní shā – S
(Why did you) Take things as if they were gold but waste them like they’re sand?
– Du Mu (poet from Tang Dynasty)
(The only scenario I could think of that leads to putting this on one’s body is when two lovers break up, with one complaining the other not cherishing the relationship and not giving back. )
4. 不受世俗束缚,围着意志前行 / bú shòu shì sú shù fù, wéi zhe yì zhì qián xíng – S
I would not be bound by worldliness but would only follow my own will.
– Anonymous

Artist: Punkid; QQ 37451779; WeChat: punkid63 – Guangzhou, China
5. 愛 / ài / love – T

Artist: Punkid – Guangzhou, China
6. 南無妙法蓮華經 / nán wú miào fǎ lián huá jiīng / Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō – T
Devotion to the Mystic Law of the Lotus Sutra or Glory to the Sutra of the Lotus of the Supreme Law is a mantra that is chanted as the central practice of all forms of Nichiren Buddhism—Myōhō Renge Kyō being the Japanese title of the Lotus Sūtra.
– Wikipedia

Artist: Punkid- Guangzhou, China
7. 無念 / wú niàn / thoughtless – T

Artist: Punkid- Guangzhou, China
8. 囍 / Xǐ / Double Happiness (T/S)

Artist: Sangzhu (WeChat: ftattoo) – Beijing, China
Another double happiness, this character is used specifically for wedding- and marriage-related joy.
9. 家 / jiā / home or family – T/S
9. 一切有為法,如夢幻泡影,如露亦如電,應作如是觀 / yí qiè yǒu wéi fǎ, rú mèng huàn pào yǐng, rú lù yì rú diàn, yīng zuò rú shì guān
All composed things are like a dream,
a phantom, a drop of dew, a flash of lightning.
That is how to meditate on them,
that is how to observe them.– Diamond Sutra
10. 真離性情緣理空忘照寂身智凈明圓始終常妙極 / zhēn lí xìng qíng yuán, lǐ kōng wàng zhào jì, shēn zhì jìng míng yuán, shǐ zhōng cháng miào jí – T
Truth, separation, character, emotions, odds, emptiness, forget, reflect, lone, body, wit, clean, circle, beginning, end, normal, good, extreme.